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Manzanita Gemstone Education

Zircon: A Natural Beauty

Zircon: A Natural Beauty

Zircon is a natural mineral composed primarily of zirconium silicate (chemical formula: ZrSiO₄). Unlike cubic zirconia, which is a synthetic material, zircon occurs naturally in the Earth’s crust. It has been cherished and worn since ancient times, making it a gemstone with a rich history.

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Red garnet ring set in yellow gold

Garnets: The Enduring Beauty for Engagement Rings

While garnets may not be as commonly associated with engagement rings as diamonds, they are a viable and beautiful option. Their durability, affordability, variety of colors, and unique charm make them stand out. So, if you’re considering a garnet engagement ring, explore this gemstone further and see if it captures your heart.

Remember, love is about finding something extraordinary in the ordinary. Garnets embody just that—a timeless beauty that endures through the seasons of life.

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